Rest assured, we've also done our due diligence as to the reputability of the organizations on our shortlist, so you can trust them with your hard-earned dough. After gathering our data together, we've determined which rooms offer a broad range of Sit N' Go stakes, a diverse selection of game types, and – perhaps most important – enough player traffic to keep waiting times to a minimum. We've actually observed the SNG lobbies at the major U.S.-friendly online poker sites over the course of more than a week. We don't believe in trusting slick marketing materials or third-hand reports from years ago. We've identified the best poker sites for American sit-and-go players, and they are: For these busy individuals, sit-n-go poker tournaments may be a winning solution. Some gamblers like the feeling of a first place result in a poker contest without the multi-hour commitment involved in a normal poker tourney.